Hey there, you wonderful human!
I’m Max! 👋🏼

I’m here because I think it can be hard to find and create space to think these days.
Space to be yourself. Space to connect with others.
There’s no space left just for you because everyone else is paying tons of money for your attention and then they’re filling that space with content that serves them — not you.
We live in a world increasingly driven by other people’s behavior on social media. Everyone is doing everything and getting everything and being everything all the time — and you’re reminded about it every second of the day.
When we find ourselves alone for even just 5 minutes, in a waiting room or in a restaurant when someone goes to the bathroom, we immediately pick up our phones to pass the time. It’s like it’s become programmed into our brains, because it’s honestly not even a conscious decision most of the time.
But here’s the thing – There is always space just for you. All you need to do is create it. Foster it. Be mindful of it.
We believe you’ve already got everything you need to live your best life tucked away inside that beautiful brain of yours.
By simplifying the complex connections between our brains and behavior patterns, we hope to create a greater sense of self-awareness that ultimately leads to a more conscious, sustainable, and holistic way of living.
There is one solid truth that guides our overall mission:
We are enough, and we have enough, both within us and around us, to help us recognize this and empower us to live the lives we’ve always dreamed of.
Our mission is to encourage personal growth and a greater sense of fulfillment by simplifying the science behind psychology and mental health. We use visual storytelling to explore and demystify the teachings and stories of renowned psychologists, authors, doctors, and groundbreaking scientific studies to make them more relatable, accessible, and easier to understand.
Sure, we’re creating media that ultimately fills in the space too. But we want ours to stand for something good.
Instead of watching content that makes you want to change your body, your clothing, your possessions… Watch content that makes you want to do something good for yourself. That makes you connect better with yourself and others.
We hope to create a community that is driven by curiosity and united in the desire to learn and transform – starting from within and compounding the results when shared together.
If you’re interested in taking this journey with us, you can follow us for more mindful content:
Stay curious, my friends.
Interested in working with us? Contact us here.